Resultados de la búsqueda para: trangia
Trangia 25-6 Ultralight Non Stick Stove Kit
With a stove, two ultralight aluminum saucepans, 1.5L and 1.75L, an ultralight non-stick aluminum 8.5 in. frying pan, an aluminum kettle, and ultralight aluminum upper and lower windshields. Packed Dimensions: 8.5 in. x 4.25 in.. Weighs 3 lbs..
Output: 1000 W. Boils 1L in 8 minutes. Requires alcohol-based fuel.
TRANGIA 27-7 UL Hard Anodized Stove Kit
Weight: 1.52 lbs (690 g) (spirit burner)
Packed Dimensions: 7.25″ x 4″
Output: 1000 w (spirit burner), 2100 w (gas burner)
Trangia 27 Hardanodised – Con tetera de tetera de acampada
Stove with 2 hardanodized pans (1L)
1 sartén (18 cm)
Trangia – Juego de cacerolas y sartenes
2 sartenes antiadherentes (1.75L y 1.5L)
1 sartén antiadherente (20 cm)
La tapa que se ajusta tanto
Trangia Mini Trangia – Hornillo de acampada
Aluminio pan (0.8L)
Pan tapa / freír antiadherente (15 cm)
Mechero de alcohol